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Order of draw for a phelobotomist is the following (tubes that collect specimens in a phelobotomist case is blood specimen the most common one used are lavender for blood counts and red for serology pregnancy test and STD's and SST tubes which are seum separator tubes that go to chemistry there's only a few SST and the other tubes contain Plasma some examples, are the lavender the light blue gray for toxicology and etc etc. Theres about 14 common tubes that are identified with their top colors 4 of them are SST that contain serum and 10 are plasma (these are chemicals that are in the tube to preserve the blood specimen) to aid on the testing . There are many department to which these tubes are send to but with the proper training and practice these Order of Draw get easier The test are many hundreds and the deparment are quite a few As long as you recognize these that are the most common ones you be on your way to be a very sucesfull phlrbotomist like me Im eaven surprise of the information that I provided here Hopefully It will help someone. Phelobotomist student.

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2mo ago

The correct order of draw for coagulation studies is:

  1. Blue top tube (citrate) - for PT (Prothrombin Time) and APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) tests
  2. Light blue top tube (citrate) - for Factor assays
  3. Serum tube (red top) - for D-dimer and fibrinogen tests
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Q: Correct order of draw for coagulation studies?
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What is the correct order of draw according to the CLSI?

The correct order of draw according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is blood culture tubes first, followed by coagulation tubes, then serum tubes, and finally tubes containing additives such as heparin or EDTA. This sequence helps minimize the risk of sample contamination and ensures accurate test results.

What is the proper order of draw for a syringe method?

The proper order of draw for a syringe method is: Blood culture tubes Coagulation tubes Serum tubes Heparin tubes EDTA tubes Glycolysis inhibitor tubes

What is the blue top vial used to draw for?

The blue top vial is typically used to collect blood for testing coagulation studies, such as prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). It contains sodium citrate as an anticoagulant.

What is the CLSI and ASPT correct order of draw?

The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) recommends the order of draw as: 1) Blood culture tubes, 2) Coagulation tubes, 3) Serum tubes, 4) Heparin tubes (plasma), 5) EDTA tubes. The Association of Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT) follows a similar order with minor variations depending on the institution's protocol. It's important to follow the specific guidelines of the facility where you are working to ensure accuracy and prevent sample contamination.

Order of draw was designed to prevent this?

Order of draw was designed to prevent cross-contamination of additives from one tube to another during blood collection. By following the correct order, the risk of additives affecting test results is minimized, ensuring accurate and reliable laboratory results.

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What is the correct order of draw according to the CLSI?

The correct order of draw according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is blood culture tubes first, followed by coagulation tubes, then serum tubes, and finally tubes containing additives such as heparin or EDTA. This sequence helps minimize the risk of sample contamination and ensures accurate test results.

What is the proper order of draw for a syringe method?

The proper order of draw for a syringe method is: Blood culture tubes Coagulation tubes Serum tubes Heparin tubes EDTA tubes Glycolysis inhibitor tubes

What is the correct order of draw with capillary specimens?

The correct order of draw with capillary specimens is: blood gases, chemistry tests, hematology tests, other tests.

What is the blue top vial used to draw for?

The blue top vial is typically used to collect blood for testing coagulation studies, such as prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). It contains sodium citrate as an anticoagulant.

What is the correct formation of grammar in the sentence What are you going to draw?

What are you going to draw? It is correct.

Which determines the order of draw?

Because some tubes have additives (ie Heparin and Potassium) that can contaminate the next blood tube and skew the results. For instance, if you put blood into the tube with Heparin and then the tube used for coagulation studies the Heparin has the potential to thin the blood in that tube giving you a falsely high result

What happens if you get a draw in supertipping?

you get the tip correct if it is a draw.

what is the CLSI & ASPT order of correct draw?

yellow,blue black red green purple grey dark blue

Is draw the correct way to spell draw as in storage draw?

Not quite - it's 'drawer'

What is the CLSI and ASPT correct order of draw when using a butterfly?

yellow,blue black red green purple grey dark blue

What do you do if you accidentally draw blood from the wrong patient?

Discard it and draw from the correct patient.