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Q: Cost allocation bases in activity-based costing should be a. cost drivers b. value-added activities c. activity centers d. processes?
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Could each of the agile processes be described using the generic framework activities?

Yes, each of the agile processes can be described using the generic framework activities.

advantages of static partition allocation scheme?

It supports multiprogramming since multiple processes can be stored inside the main memory.

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How do animals carry on their activities?

Animals carry on their activities by eating organisms or making their own food to get energy. They then use this energy for their processes and activities.

what happens in Ring of Fire?

Highly active geological processes and activities.

What happens in the ring of fire?

Highly active geological processes and activities.

Everyday activities with chemical processes involve in each?

Cooking: Chemical reactions occur when heat is applied to food, changing its color, flavor, and texture. Cleaning: Chemical reactions in cleaning products break down dirt and grease for effective cleaning. Bathing: Chemical reactions in soap help to remove oils and dirt from the skin. Digestion: Enzymes in our digestive system break down food into simpler molecules for absorption by the body.

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How a Round Robin scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU to processes?

The round-robin scheduling algorithm allocates CPU time to processes by sequentially assigning the CPU to processes of equal priority that are in the state of being able to use the CPU. (Not blocked) This works by appearing to evenly distribute the CPU amongst CPU ready processes. Processes that are waiting on something, such as an I/O event, particularly waiting on the user to press Enter, are not considered for allocation. Often, there is a priority assigned to the process, which factors in the allocation strategy. Processes that are mostly I/O intensive tend to have higher priority, giving them good response time. Processes that are mostly CPU intensive tend to have lower priority, so they don't interfere with overall system responsiveness.

How The size of a process in primary memory is known to the OS?

Processes need to request memory allocation from the operating system. The OS keeps track of these resources as they are used.

what chemical activities does the nucleus control in the cell?

cell division hereditary processes

What is the activities or processes that can be observed objectively such as the organized patterns of responses as a whole?

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