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Yes but even if it they did and it was able to work without breaking up they didn't have the engines to run the thing yet. <--- Is incorrect it was meant to be powered by four men spinning the screw. However that makes the fact that he came up with the Idea even more amazing doesn't it.

It did not work, because manpower is not enough. But four men could have been.

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Q: Could Leonardo da Vinci's helicopter have been made in his time?
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What year was Leonardo's helicopter made in?

It was not made in anything. All Leonardo's inventions are in his sketchbooks. None have been executed.

How many of Da Vinci's inventions are in use today?

He invented a spiral contraption that is similar to a modern day design of the helicopter and also built wings that he thought could make a person fly but later realized that birds have hollow bones whereas people have heavy, solid bones. Other than that, I don't know... Hope I helped.

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Leonardo DaVinci never invented a helicopter. He only understood the concept, which is amazing because he thought so out of his time era. He did invent the first hang glider, though. I hope this helps! :)

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In that setting, the answer has to be Leonardo Da Vinci. Some of his sketches show one machine that (rather easily) interpreted as a crude helicopter, and something that with (a lot more imagination) can be interpreted as a kind of bicycle. The Bicycle drawings however, have been proven to be false, and added at a far later date.

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Because you either threw it, or put it on a plane/helicopter/etc or it could have been very good at jumping

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His knowledge surpassed simple machines. He conceptualised a helicopter, a tank, concentrated solar power and a calculator; to name but a few. Most people today would not have the faintest idea how a helicopter works and as for solar power, electricity had not even been invented yet and Da Vinci already had ideas for it.

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Cocktails had not been invented in Leonardo's time.