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Q: Could a mineral be found in the brain of certain fish gives the fish a sense of direction?
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Do allergies make you dumb?

No, but avoiding certain foods may result in vitamin or mineral deficiencies wich may afect you brain.

What mineral that starts with the letter M is the brain mineral that is important in the utilization of all mental functions?


What mineral that starts with letter m is the brain mineral that is important in the utilization of all mental functions?


How do toxins harm the brain?

toxins can harm the brain by eliminating brain cells. say someone inhales a certain chemical. it may not kill them but they will lose brain cells. too much of one chemical could be fatal.

How does the brain tell from which direction a sound comes psychology?

The brain picks up the vibrations from the sound waves. It would be like if your phone vibrated on you in your pocket, you could immediatly tell where it was coming from, right?

How does each part of the body work?

The brain sends asignal to a part of the part of the body that is needed at a certain time for example, if the arm wants to go somewhere the brain will send a signal to tell it to move to the direction that it is needed. So the answer to this question is the brain make all parts of the body work.

What is the direction of impulse for motor neurons?

The direction of impulse for motor neurons is away from the brain.

In what direction does the development of the brain proceed?

from back to front

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brain tumors

How can drugs effect your physical growth?

It could damage certain brain cells that control your growth so you'll grow faster or slower

What protects the brain tissues from the effects of certain drugs?

The blood-brain-barrier.

Can you get Brain cancer?

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