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Q: Could anyone tell me about a lump on the side of my lower part of my leg about the size of 50p?
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I believe it is the thoart

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if you are a boy it is called an Adam's apple, but get it check out anyways. if you are a girl then you should go to the doctor.

What is a small soft lump on knee there is no pain?

Its Osgood Salughter <-- that's a horrible answer (now for the correct answer) 1st of all it's Osgood Schlatter's disease and that's when the tibial growth plate is ruptured or basically a part of the lower leg bone is pulled away by tension of the tendon. It's NOT A SOFT LUMP 2nd Don't be a moron, you can't tell what a lump is without seeing it, could be zit, tumor, fat deposit, water on the knee.

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There are many different things that a hard boil type knot with no core on the lower part of the back could be. It could be infection.

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lump-a bumps

Why do you have a sore lump near your wisdom tooth?

The hard painful lump near your growing wisdom tooth is probably part of the tooth. However, it could be an infection under the gums and should be checked by a dentist.

There's a lump on your cats tail what should you do?

Part your cat's fur at the lump and try to identify if the lump is part of the cat, or something on it. If it is not part of the cat, try to identify what it is. If it is a burr, remove it gently with your hands or a brush. If it is a tick, grab the tick's body and SLOWLY pull it off.

Is the lump on you're arm dangerous?

no it is part of your bone

What is wrong if you have a lump right above your left shoulder blade?

Most likely the lump on your shoulder is a part your lymphatic system, the probablity of it being a cancerous lump is low.

Why do upper part of the face becomes red during anaphylactic shock and the lower part doesnt?

please does anyone knows the answer? I really need to know it

Does a lump above the ear mean anything?

Could be AIDS,a cyst or a fester pimple,don't warry about tumors,cause they are rare in that part of the scalp.Good luck.