

Could baby animals hide in a thicket?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Could baby animals hide in a thicket?
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After lighting the thicket on fire, the smoke drives Ralph out into the open where the hunters spot him. Loving the chaos and the thrill of the hunt, the hunters quickly realize where Ralph is trying to hide and surround him.

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In "Lord of the Flies," Ralph hides in an overgrown thicket while he evades the tribe hunting him. This thicket could be described as an enclosed bower since it provides him with camouflage and protection.

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They have their little hiding spots where they can hide from other animals (that may hunt them for example). They have family, like baby animals have their moms to look after them and care for them until they're older. Hope this helps :)

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Some animals have small babies. Smaller babies have an advantage of being able to hide and consuming less food when they are born.

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Where do baby bears live Hide Punchline In a cub-in is not a joke.

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There could be two reasons you are not receiving any options to adopt animals for FarmVille. One, your friends/neighbors are not selecting the option in their game to publish animals up for adoption. Two, you have clicked the "Hide" option that appears next to a post on your news feed when you hover on it. If you clicked "Hide", it will hide all posts related to that. You can change this by going to your settings.

Does a rainbow trout use coloring to hide from or warn other animals?

warn other animals. but if its in deep blue then hide. depends on were it is.

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