

Could diamond scratch another diamond

Updated: 9/21/2023
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9y ago

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Yes, in fact, it is the only way to scratch a diamond.

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Q: Could diamond scratch another diamond
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Mineral X is scratched by a diamond. Mineral X .?

Mineral X could be anything. Diamond is the hardest mineral (10 on Mohs' scale) and can scratch all other minerals including another diamond.

i was wondering if anyone could test what I beleive to be rough dimonds?

try to scratch tough glass with your rough diamond, if it makes good scratch then it can be a diamond

What minerals can scratch glass?

Any mineral with roughly a hardness of 6 or more on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness could scratch glass, which is roughly 5.5 on the Mohs scale. Some minerals that could scratch glass would be quartz, topaz, corundum, and diamond.

How do you make a hole on a diamond?

Only another diamond can drill into a diamond -- a local diamond cutter can help you. Be aware, however, that your diamond could shatter during this procedure.

Can diamond scratch other rocks?

Yes, diamond is the hardest mineral.A field test for diamond is extreme hardness, which you could verify by scratching a rock with your unknown sample. If the rock is scratched, you could bag the sample and ask for further tests to determine the composition of the sample.(If, however, what you're questioning is a gem stone, scratching rocks with it could be an expensive test.)

What is the only thing that would destroy a diamond?

Another diamond could mar, damage and otherwise 'destroy' a (cut) diamond, thus significantly diminishing its value.

Why do diamonds have no wear to facet edges?

Diamond is the hardest natural mineral known. Wear could show on the edges if the diamond rubbed against another diamond.

How do you examine a diamond at home?

You can take the diamond and test to see if it can scratch glass(warning: this may cause damage to the diamond) also if you own a magnifying glass put the diamond up to it... If there are tiny imperfections it's most likely real, you could also literally smash it with a hammer... If it doesn't break or even chip, the diamond is real.

What can you use to replace a diamond?

Ideally, you'd replace a diamond with another diamond. Or if you wanted the empty space to look like the diamond was still there, you could replace it with an imitation diamond. You can replace a diamond with almost any faceted stone.

Could you scratch a diamond with carbon nanotubes?

In theory, it appears that your statement is true. According to Wikipedia: "...The bulk modulus [resistance to uniform compression] of compressed [nanotubes] was 462.546 GPa [a measure of tensile strength], surpassing the value of 420 GPa for diamond." (Read more, below.) In practice, however, since a carbon nanotube measures about 1/50,000th of the width of a human hair, any scratch accomplished on a diamond could likely escape any gemologist's inspection.

Can any chemical melt diamond?

Diamonds are the hardest known natural material (from Carbon) and with a melting point of over 3500`c it would be pretty much impossible to melt one down. Only another diamond can scratch a diamond but it wont melt it.

What is another word for a diamond shape?

A diamond shape is also called a "lozenge".