

Could humans evolve gills

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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no, we humans do not have gills because they have lungs unless they use the oxygen thing to go underwater

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Q: Could humans evolve gills
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Is it true humans may evolve gills?

How would people find out anyways because science hasn't fully developed ways of predicting certain futures- therefore we have no proof whatsoever that humans may form gills although you can never be positive for it is something that cannot be forseen. Part of the embryonic time of human development includes gills already. Then we develop past it.

How are lung and gills diffent?

Lungs are for humans,gills fish

How humans breathe?

through their gills.

What do humans have instead of gills?


Do unborn babies breath through gills?

No, They receive oxygenated blood through the umbiliacl cord, humans do not have gills.

Why are you not able to breathe under water?

because humans do not have gills.

Why can frog live on land and water and not humans?

Frogs have webbed feet for swimming, humans dont, Frogs have gills, Humans dont, and if they do not have gills, then they can hold their breath longer than any human could. Also, Frogs lay their eggs in water, which turn into tadpoles, and then frogs, our young are live born, and can only breathe air throughout their whole life.

Why is a humans heart similar to shark gills?

because they both get boners

Does a fish evolve into a shark?

Sharks are a type of fish. This is because fish are defined as being vertebrates with gills.

Do fish blow bubbles?

Fish do not breathe through their mouth like humans. They have gills which the use to filter the oxygen from the water.

How deep can humans and animals survive in the ocean?

Animals can survive by their gills and they have oxygen in their gills. Humans have been able to survive in the ocean only because of aqua lung and also submersibles also known as submarine's

Why is it impossibe for humans to breath under water?

No Gills, we have lungs which we breath in and out with our mouths.