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Q: Could i be pregnant if i have mucous discharge 4 days before my period is due and tested negative?
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If you are not pregnant what does it mean if you are spotting and have mucous discharge for 9 days?

There could be something wrong go to the doctors

What is colporrhea?

A vaginal mucous discharge.

Mucous discharge with scanty blood in between periods?

If you have a mucous discharge with scanty blood in between your periods, you may have a yeast infection. You should talk to your physician.

If you are pregnant would the cervical mucus increase today is dry this may be a sign of a negative test any ideas?

Cervical mucous isn't a good way to tell if you are pregnant or not, some woman have lots of cervical mucous and others don't have as much that shows. I'm pregnant and sometimes I have a lot, sometimes not much and some days I'm dry. Also, I took a test the day my period was due and it was negative the next day it was a faint +, I skipped a day and when my period was 4 days late I got a dark + and a "pregnant" on the Clear Blue Easy didgital. So don't be discouraged if at first it is negative and because of cervical mucous.

Is it normal to have mucous discharge when your tubes are burnt and cut?


What type of discharge would you have in early pregnancy?

You have increased discharge and it's not unlike ovulation mucous, although that does vary

What is rheum?

Rheum is a thin discharge of the mucous membranes, especially during a cold.

What is coryza?

an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose (usually associated with nasal discharge)

What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis caused by environmental hazards?

Symptoms range from itching and redness to a mucous discharge.

Why would a woman experience a mucous like white discharge constantly?

The discharge is normal, and its a type of fertility monitor your body has. Depending on where you are in your cycle and your hormones the discharge will be lighter ar darker..ect.

Would a lot of discharge stop the sperm from causing you to get pregnant?

Depending on what kind of discharge. If the discharge is clear, slippery, and stretches, (resembling egg whites) this is your most fertile time of the month. You have this kind of discharge right at and during ovulation. This is your sperm friendly mucous, it helps the sperm be more mobile and gives it a healthier environment letting it live longer and also enter your cervix. If it is cloudy or white this is not as " sperm friendly".

What is a 5 letter word starting with R that means 'watery eye discharge'?

The answer is rheum.Rheum is defined as a watery or mucous discharge from the eyes or the nose.It is pronounced "ROOM".