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Can, if man's sperm will get on genitals of the girl

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Q: Could pregnancy be caused without insertion?
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Could a bladder infection be caused by pregnancy?

no; I don't believe so but how do you know its a bladder infection it could just be pregnancy it self

Is fullness in uterus a sign of pregnancy?

it can be. but it also could be caused by hundreds of other things. the only thing that can give a direct answer of pregnancy is a pregnancy test.

What does an uneventful pregnancy mean?

It could mean a pregnancy without complications or risks. Another way of saying it is a "normal" pregnancy or "low risk" pregnancy.

Could I practice sexual activities during pregnancy?

Yes, but it is advisable to avoid rough sex or the insertion of foreign objects (such as various sex toys) into the vagina during pregnancy.

Slight Cramping is this your period?

Well that is hard to say without any more detail than that. It could be your period, it could be pregnancy, it could an ectopic pregnancy, it could be a miscarriage, it could be gas, it could be diarrhea; there are lots of possibilities that could be from just cramping.

If you had an IUD in placed could you have a miscarriage if you didn't know?

Yes the chances are there if the I.U.D has slipped without your knowledge, and pregnancy could well start.

Why do the later stages of pregnancy cause edema?

later stages of pregnancy doesn't always cause edema, edema could mean a serious illness call ed pre eclampsia which is high blood pressure caused by pregnancy and it can cause swelling and water retention.

What is a hard lump forming below the main gum-line but below a molar that had caused pain but was not treated and now only tingles and could it be related to your pregnancy?

Some changes to a womans pregnancy can be related to pregnancy but its best to see your doctor or dentist to be certain. Take care.

What causes breakthrough bleeding after 4 months on Yaz?

If there is breakthrough bleeding four months after taking Yaz, it could be due to a dosage issue. It could also be caused by a pregnancy or health issue.

What does it mean if your period came about 11 days early and lasted for 5 days?

This could be nothing hon. Your period cycle may of became irregular and this is what caused your period to be earlier. If you are sexually active, do a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy.

My girlfriend had signs of morning sickness the morning after. Could she be pregnant?

Nausea the morning after sex is not morning sickness, it could be many things from a virus or infection to nerves but would not be caused by a pregnancy. It takes about 8 days after sex for pregnancy to be established by an embryo implanting in the uterus.If the nausea continues or her period is late take a pregnancy test or see a health care provider.

I have been really dizzy and been eating then having diarreha the past week. I have had my period and on birth control. Is there still a possibility that i could be pregnant?

Dizziness and diarrhea are most likely caused by viral illness. They are not signs of pregnancy. A missing period and positive pregnancy test are signs of pregnancy. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.