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Yes, but it will be the prostrate cancer that causes the fatality. Crohns by itself is rarely fatal but poor nutrition and treatment options for Crohns can weaken the immune system.

This leaves patients with other underlying medical problems susceptible to those other problems.

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Q: Could prostrate cancer along with Crohns disease be fatal.?
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Will Crohns disease cause the uvula and other areas of the throat to swell?

Crohns disease can cause symptoms anywhere in the digestive tract, from mouth to anus. It is unlikely Crohns disease would be the first suspect for a swollen uvula or sore throat but eventually, after eliminating the usual suspected causes, a test for Crohns could verify that diagnosis.

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No Depo provera has no known effect on Crohns disease. The progestin can change your appetite and therefore your eating habits but it does not cure Crohns disease. Most likely you are simply in a remission which has coincided with the new birth control.

Is Crohns Disease ever inactive?

i have had crohns disease for 16 years and it never goes away. it can remain fairly inactive for a while, but anything could trigger a flare up. best thing to do is to take meds and strict diet.

What is the cause of Crohns disease?

The causes of Crohns are unknown, much more research needs to be done. If researchers could find a cause then a cure would quickly follow. Right now there is neither a cause nor a cure identified.

What causes a firm prostrate?

A firm prostate could be the sign of an infection called prostatitis. It may also be a sign of prostate cancer.

Dear Madam/Sir: Could you tell me how accurate are ultraounds of the prostrate The ultrasound of my prostrate did not show any presence of cancer. What percentage accuracy are these results Can I depend on ultrasound resultsThank-You.Yours Truly, Robert?

They are about 80% accurate.

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The symptoms can be similar. The tests done however would confirm which disease the doctors were dealing with. H Pylori is distinctive as a corkscrew shaped gram negative bacterium. Biopsy from the stomach lining is used among other tests. Treatment in some cases can be somewhat similar with the use of metronidazole and other antibiotics. It can take several treatments but unlike crohns disease, h. pylori is curable.

Could anxiety medication help crohns disease?

Some anti anxiety medications have been used effectively in combination with anti-inflammatory medicines over the years. While not suspected of being the cause of Crohns disease anymore, it is well known that anxiety and stress can exacerbate a flare up of your disease making treatment more difficult.

Is it bad to eat seeds and such when you have crohns disease?

If you have crohn's disease it is best to avoid anything that could scratch your intestines especially if you have chronic pain or are prone to flares. Nuts, seeds, popcorn, and anything fibrous could cause problems.

What disease could you get in the large intestine?

Colon Cancer

Could you use a sentence with the word chronic?

Cancer is a chronic disease.

What are the long term effects of smoking?

You could develop cancer or lung diseases or similar condions as Bronchitus.Lung disease such as Emphysema and lung cancer. Coronary Artery disease, stroke, and heart disease. Think that about covers it. No, you forgot death.death, cancer, ephemisa