

Could spiders swim

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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many can float on the surface

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Q: Could spiders swim
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How many spiders can swim?

i do know that spiders can swim eg. the half-inch water spider. But i am not sure on how much can swim

Are spiders that swim dangerous?

They can be : most spiders use venom to paralyze their prey.

Can red spiders swim?

yerpp cause i love jonty (:

Can red back spiders swim in chorinated pools?

f yeah!

What spiders are Sonic the Hedgehog most afraid of?

Water he can't swim.

Where can people swim?

Well, you could basically swim anywhere you long as you have enough space and water to swim. You could swim whenever you want. If you have a little free time, you could go swimming! You could do competitive swimming, or you could just swim for fun.

Could Jesus disciples swim?

no because if he wanted to walk on water why didnt he just swim

Could leapord geckos swim?

Yes , Leapord Geckos can swim.

Can as past tense?

Yes, "could" is the past tense of "can." For example, "I can swim" changes to "I could swim" in the past tense.

Why do water spiders float?

there is a thing called surface tension. Surface tention is the uneven forces acting on the particles on a surface of a liquid and this causes the water to act like a sort of thin film and therefor the spider can float.

What type of spider can walk on water?

There is a genus of spiders called fishing spiders that can walk on water (a few of them can also swim in it as well using a portable silk bubble). They're known formally as Dolomedes. Fishing spiders have hairs on their legs that repel water, so that allows them to stand on the water. They eat frogs and other water-dwelling insects.

What ocean could you go swimming in if you were in California or Rhode Island?

If you were in California you could swim in the Pacific Ocean. If you were in Rhode Island, you could swim in the Atlantic Ocean.