

Could the black death had started because of germs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It did indeed. The Black Death was caused by a bacillum named Yersinia pestis.

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Q: Could the black death had started because of germs?
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When and how did the black death start?

no. The black death started mainly because of fleas having an interaction with rats.. starting the plague.... Here is When....

When the black death happened?

the black death started in 1347

Why was the change of black death important?

it was important because the black death could risk a life of someone if they catch it.

How did the black death start in China?

the black death started in china because of a man sailing caught it. he was on his way to china to deliver goods and he spread it.

Where there any deaths in the 14th century?

yes, because that's when the black death started.

About the blaack death?

the black death happend in the late 1080s it happend when someguy came up with a the idea that cats r bad and they started killing them afer that mice started coming and the mice had flees that had a disses its called the black death because of the black paches on there skin

Where did the black death arrive?

The black death started around 1437 in Europe.

What was the name of the flea who started the Black Death?

it wasnt a flea that started the black death it started from a ratANSWER:The pathogen that caused the Black Death is called Yersennia pestis. It is carried by fleas that live on rats and other rodents.

Where did the Black Death mostly accur?

Black Death started in China. And it spread to Europe.

What is the name of the annelid that sucks blood?

leeche they used that when the black death started because they fought that it would be the cure

What is the germ called that started the black death?

Yersinia pestis is the name of the germ that caused the black death.

What happened to power after the black death?

The power in the Kings/Monarchs got diminished because feudalism ended after the black death. This means there was a rise in higher-class because they started to pay more for a servant considering most serfs/peasants were dying. therefore, power was basically demolished after the black death :)