

Could the climate change with the oil spill?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Natural gas is being released as a result of the oil spill. It is considered a greenhouse gas. I have not seen any studies to show that this additional gas could change the model predicted global warming. The global warming phenomena is a long term trend, and I don't believe the approximately three months of gas releases will have an impact.

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I hope they do. The human race could die of this.===================================Will Who fix What oil spill? Please ask questions that are more specific.

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The Mexican oil spill could have been prevented. All oil spills could have been prevented if it weren't for careless people! An automatic switch should have been installed on the inside of the pipe.

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using hay to clean it up.

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It could effect the wildlife around you, or the wildlife by the oil spill. the oil spill effected humans because humans depend on the gulf of Mexico for commercial fishing, food, and tourism. another way it could effect wildlife is that you have to be careful of eating sea food because you may never know if it has been cleaned or if it happened to have been by the oil spill at that could also effect the waters by the gulf of Mexico.

What are some typical causes of oil spills?

People could spill oil on purpose and don't realize its bad. A truck carrying oil could tip and spill oil all over the road. Technology is used to clean oil spills too.