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Yes a skunk will take eggs and kill chickens. Late at night when the chickens roost they are very docile and will allow a predator to come right up to them without much fear.

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Q: Could the skunk you caught in a live trap by the pen be killing chickens by getting them at night?
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There are some things you can do to discourage them from killing the chickens but it will never be safe for them to be with chickens without supervision.If you teach the dog a good recall then you will be able to call the dog away anytime it attempts to chase and kill a chicken and you could reward calm behavior (such as lying down and ignoring the chickens).But depending on the dog's prey dive they may never be able to be around chickens safely so use your judgement and keep the chickens safety in mind when trying to train him to be around them.

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There isn't anything that you can do directly but this person will have to address their lying issues and in order for them to stop getting caught would be not to lie in the first place. Do what is best for you and be careful as you could be in the wrong place at the wrong time with this person and get caught up in their lies that could cause problems for you.

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There are 7 hatcheries around the country where you could by chickens from. They are located in New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Iowa, and Missouri.

My chicken was eaten and picked clean of all its feathers except its wings What animal do you think could do this in Pennsylvania?

If your chickens are housed with other chickens my guess is that the other chickens plucked the feathers. That's what happens to our chickens.

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that it could kill all the chickens

Can you cut chickens tail feathers?

You could if you want to.