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YES you can spot or have a light period while pregnant, When i was pregnant I had a very very light period at about 4 weeks. Go to a doctor!!!!

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Q: Could you be pregnant even though you are bleeding lightly about 5 weeks after you think you got pregnant?
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Could you be pregnant even though you are bleeding heavy?

I'm pretty sure you can't if you have your period

Could you be pregnant if you have a period for a month?

Yes, bleeding while pregnant is possible, though unlikely. You may want to speak with your doctor.

You are having period symptoms but no bleeding could you be pregnant?

Even in the presence of bleeding, you could still be pregnant.

You have cramping but no bleeding?

could you be pregnant ???

Can I still be pregnant if not bleeding?

If you had unprotected sex you could be pregnant.

What is light spotting for two days then heavy bleeding suggest since this has never happen to you before?

Bleeding lightly for a few days then it starts to get heavy can many a few things. It depends on your health and your medical history and you could also be pregnant.

Could you be pregnant and have vaginal bleeding?


Could you be pregnant if you had some bleeding after sex?

Yes, bleeding after sex is not very common, but it does occur in some women. The only way to tell if your pregnant is to take a test. More than likely the bleeding came from the cervical wall. But, yes you could be pregnant even if you bleed after sex.

Could a woman be pregnant if she expierences bleeding and severe cramps not like normal period cramps?

Yes she can be pregnant, and if she is pregnant and is bleeding she is at risk of a miscarriage, and should see a doctor immediately.

You had periot two week ago you were trying get pregnant today you sow letht bleeding im pregnant?

i had my periot two weeks ago and am trying get pregnant today i sow letht bleeding could am pregnant

What does it mean when you are two weeks late and have no spotting but had a white milky pink discharge only once?

it could be implantation bleeding, this usually shows up 6-11 days after ovulation, and or conception. Raye answer it could be Implantation bleeding which is a sign of pregnancy doesn't always mean your pregnant though. I think you maybe pregnant more days your late the more chance your pregnant go take a pregnancy test kate

If you haven't noticed light bleeding for implantation could you still be pregnant?

Yes, not all women have implantation bleeding.