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A positive pregnancy test and missed period are generally considered the standard in determining a pregnancy. If you are still concerned that you might be pregnant your doctor can do a blood test that is more sensitive than the standard home pregnancy tests. This should put your mind at ease once and for all.

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Q: Could you be pregnant without missing a period and with negative pregnancy test result?
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How do you detect pregnancy without missing periods?

Take a home pregnancy test or just go to your doctor and get bloodwork done to tell if you are pregnant

How do you know if you are pregnant without using a pregnancy test?

You would know if you are pregnant without using a pregnancy test by checking the vagina,and sticking your finger up through your vagina,and then If it tastes like cheese,you are pregnant.

Taken pregnancy tests one week after missed period both were negative Its been 7 weeks now without a period and have no symptoms of pregnancy but could you still be pregnant?

If those pregnancy tests came back negative, that would be a huge indicator that you are not pregnant. However, you should still see a doctor to 1) Make sure you are not pregnant, by doing a blood test. 2) Test you for possible PCOS ((especially if you are overweight and have other symptoms with it)) I recommend

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For anyone to get pregnant there must be penetration, so if there is no penetration there will be no pregnancy.

How long can a woman be pregnant without knowing?

through her whoel pregnancy. if she is heavy or has a period throughout her pregnancy.

My boyfriend came inside of me today unprotected and I haven't taken my birth control in almost a month - Could i be pregnant?

Yes there is a high chance that you can be pregnant. When missing pills while on birth control can cause pregnancy, a month without birth controls will not protect you from pregnancy at all. A pregnancy test should be taken.

How does someone know if they are pregnant without a test?

Some women have pregnancy symptoms in which they suspect that they are pregnant. Other women have a strong maternal instinct and just "feel" pregnant. But it is hard to really know without having an accurate pregnancy test (either at home or at a doctors office).

Is there any foods that can get a person pregnant?

No, pregnancy can only occur with vaginal intercourse. There is no food/drink that can make you pregnant without it.

If im not constipated could i still be pregnant?

Constipation is just a symptom of pregnancy...not a sign of pregnancy. Many women experience bouts of constipation during pregnancy, but if you do not have constipation then count it as a blessing. If you take a home pregnancy test and your doctor confirms your pregnancy then you are pregnant with or without constipation. Good luck! mom to three children and pregnant with her fourth!

What do you do if you are on Depo-Provera with ovarian cysts and a pregnancy test came back negative?

Hello - DEPO should protect you against pregnancy and because you have ovarian cysts...Im guesing PCOS? may be slighty harder for you to conceive as well. When a pregnancy test is negative it usually means you aren't pregnant hun providing you haven't done the test too soon. Personally I would see your doctor for a blood test so you know without a doubt if you're pregnant or not. Take care.

What is immaculate pregnancy?

virgin birth..becoming pregnant without having sexual intercourse

Can you get married at 16 if you are pregnant without parent consent?

No, pregnancy or being a parent does not emancipate you.