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The pill does cause breast changes in women because the pill contains various hormones which trick the womans body into thinking its pregnant. Hence no ovulation and a lot of strange, pregnancy like symptoms. Dont worry but if your period doesnt arrive - do a test.

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Q: Could you be pregnant your breasts are tender and more harder but you are on the pill?
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Could you be pregnant if you have tender breasts but no discharge?

You could be. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

Have enlarged tender breasts headaches mild nausea tired and mood swings?

You could be pregnant,or a hormone imbalance. You need to see a docter.

Can you be pregnant without having sore or tender breasts?

Yes you can be pregnant, the P.T will confirm it for you.

Could you be pregnant if your breasts are sore 2 weeks before your period is due?

you can always be pregnant,if you are fertile and having sex. your breasts may be tender due to water retention, cysts or an unfitted bra. if the symptoms continue, and concern you PLEASE see your doctor.

My breasts are tender to the touch but my period isn't due until the ninth of March could I be pregnant?

Tender breasts are only one sign of pregnancy but there are other reasons that your breasts could be tender. If you miss your next period, take a pregnancy test.

How does breasts get big?

You could be/get pregnant.

If you have breast pain and your breast is tendernessare you pragnant?

Being pregnant can make your breasts tender, but it could be something else. Maybe you should take a pregnancy test or see a doctor.

Does it mean your pregnant when your breast get bigger and are very tender?

Notat all. tender breasts can be caused by various reasons. One reason is that you're ovulating. Another reason is that you are pre menstrual and about to have your period. The final reason is that you could possibly be pregnant. So get tested!

What does it mean to have tender breast on the sides an under for 3 plus days?

There could be several reasons why your breasts might feel tender on the side and underneath. Tender breasts can be part of premenstrual symptoms and can also be a sign of pregnancy.

Is it normall to miss a period at 15 years old and have tender breasts?

A teenager's period is often a bit messed up at times because their hormones have not fully regulated. However, if you miss your next period, you need to go and speak to your doctor. Also, if there is a chance you could be pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test. The tender breasts could be because they are growing

Tender breast on side and under breasts?

There could be a few reason on why you have tenderness on the side and under the breasts. I would go to the doctor and have it checked out.

You were seven days late for your period could you still be pregnant?

It is possible. I suggest you take a test. Your first sings will be a missed period, swollen tender breasts, weight gain, morning sickness etc.