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Depends on how old it is. If you've never had it changed by a pro before though, its a good idea. They can easure and fit you with the right bar. If you use one thats too long, it can make gum/enamel erosion even worse and youre more likely to bite it. If its too short, it can cause swelling or other problems. If its not 2-3 months old yet, definitely go have a pro switch it out :)

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Q: Could you change your own tongue piercing yourself?
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Can you die from a tongue piercing?

Yes you can unfortunately their are veins in the tongue and if the piercing is not done properly it can "nick" one of these veins and you could die.

Has anybody died from piercing their own tongue?

Honestly, I haven't heard of any cases like that but there could be something out there. But even if no one has died, it doesnt make it any less dangerous. Piercing the tongue is tricky because there are some pretty large veins in that area. There have been quite a few cases of people getting tongue piercings by someone with little experience and losing significant amounts of blood- to the point that they need transfusions. Also, piercing yourself significantly raises the risk of infection. If your piercing does get infected and you dont treat it in time, the infection could spread and end up in your bloodstream- thats called sepsis. Sepsis is incredibly dangerous and can be deadly. Bottom line- piercing yourself is not safe, especially not with a tongue piercing.

Could you put a belly bar into a tongue piercing hole?

No a navel banana bell is not designed nor intended to be used in a tongue piercing. Tongue piercings are done with a straight barbell, the curve in the navel bell will cause trouble with the tongue piercing as well as being too short.

Is there a way to reduce tongue depression left by a tongue bar and still keep the piercing?

You could get a longer piercing but that could be uncomfortable and is not reccomended. Depending on how long you have had the piercing, if you have had for a long period of time the depression could take a very long time to disappear or could say like that forever if you decide to remove it.

What is a UV reactive tongue piercing?

A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow ! A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow !

Why is the tip of your tongue bruised after piercing?

It could just be from the way the piercer handled it or the clamps.

Could you get a abscess in your mouth from getting your tongue periced?

It is possible but only if you dont clean the piercing. If you clean the piercing then it is a very slim chance.

What happen if you jus got your tongue pierced yesterday but you don't want it anymore can I just take it out?


Is it normal for your tongue to be itchy after getting it pierced?

No itchy is a sign of an allergic reaction, this could be due to the quality or lack of it in the jewellery in your tongue piercing.

Can you get your tongue pierced if you are taking warfarin?

It is generally advised to avoid getting tongue piercings while taking warfarin or other blood thinners, as they can increase the risk of bleeding complications. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider before proceeding with any piercing to discuss the risks associated with your medication.

What can happen from an infected tongue piercing?

It could hurt you really bad and kill you in worst case scenario.

Ive done my tongue piercing couple of days ago its not swollen but my gums at the bottom hurt why will the pain go away?

It's probably because of the long bar in your tongue. Long bars are necessary because they allow your newly-pierced tongue to swell without swallowing the jewelry. If its really painful, go to your piercer after the swelling goes down to get a shorter bar. Or you could just wait till it fully heals and change it yourself.