

Could you die from helium

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Not exactly. Helium is an inert gas, and is not toxic.

However, you could die from not having oxygen, so if you breathe only helium, yes you could die.

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Q: Could you die from helium
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No, you can die from inhaling to much helium.

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The helium explodes into flames (which quickly die out).

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Helium is the star's source of energy and if it has no energy the star would die.

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The only way to be certain of not dying is from not sucking on the helium.

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if its possible then the reason could be the expansion of high pressured helium from tank to balloon is large.

What element does a star run out of that causes them to die?

Hydrogen and helium; those two elements are the fuel for the stars. First they fuse hydrogen to helium, later they fuse helium to heavier elements.

Can something breathe helium?

It depends on what you mean. We can breathe helium without any ill effects as long as we get enough oxygen. However, nothing could breathe and use helium as we breathe and use oxygen because helium is inert. Unlike oxygen, which is highly reactive, helium does not participate in chemical reactions, so it could not serve an organism any purpose.

Why does your voice changes after you drink helium?

You don't drink helium, you inhale it. When you then attempt to speak, since the density of helium is less than that of air, you voice has a higher timbre.Note: Helium does not contain oxygen. If you breathe helium alone, you will tend to pass out. If you don't get oxygen for a sustained period of time, you will die.

Is helium the source of propulsion energy?

My guess is no, because helium is fairly inert. It does not react well with the other elements. Helium could be used to provide lift for lighter than air aircraft. If the helium were cooled it could be used to provide a temperature differential for a Stirling engine to drive a turbine, but in that case the helium itself is not providing the propulsion so much as whatever was used to cool it.

What are three facts about helium?

This is the only thing i could find:An_interesting_fact_on_helium