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Soil fertility is if it has enough nutrients and water to support crops.

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Q: Could you please help me get a definition for soil fertility decline?
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How do farmers maintain the fertility of soil?

By regularly doing soil tests and using the results of the tests farmers can regulate the fertility of the soil. In some cases this could be through applying fertilizer, rotating livestock, and even leaving ground cover to increase organic matter.

What problems are caused by soil erosion?

floods could increase,change of landscape,loss of fertility of soil,plants wont get nutrients,loss of agriculture

Why does farmer need artifically to improve soil fertility?

This is an interesting question, but not for the reasons you might think. The issue might be why any farmer might wish to improve the fertility of his soil - the answer to which is obvious: because without action on his or her part, the soil is relatively unproductive, and action to improve the fertility makes the crops grow better. But the question contains two important words: need, and artificially. Dealing with "artificially" first, the word could simply mean to improve the fertility by adding something to it, which could include, for example, straw or manure. But more likely, it means increasing fertility by adding chemicals. Then the answer to the question might be "because the soil is deficient in an important element such as biologically active nitrogen, potassium or phosphorous". The word "need" is interesting because it might suggest that the farmer is forced by some external agency to try to improve soil fertility. The answer to the question might then be "because unless the yield is big enough he will default on his bank loan and the bank will repossess the farm". Or perhaps "because decades of misuse of the soil has reduced its natural fertility to the point where additional chemicals are needed." It's important to frame the question correctly!

What sediments form shale?

could you please tell me what sediments are in shale.

The priests were actually and they ruled large areas?

im sorry we could not answer this qustion please go to a different website goob bye

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It depends on how you would be using "Wouldn't" In a sentence. In some ways, it could be a synonym for Refrain, Couldn't, Deny, Evade, or Decline. Hope I help, please let me know if it works for you!! ;)

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Two scientists test soil fertility in a forest and a nearby field Both scientists find that the soil fertility in the forest is higher than the soil fertility in the field Scientist A says that th?

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What is a suggested but not stated definition?

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What is the opposite of decline?

The opposite could be accepting, or increasing. It would depend on how you're using the word decline. If you mean to turn down an invitation, then accepting would be the opposite. But, if you're using decline to mean a lessening or diminishment, such as a decline in the population growth rate, then increasing would be the opposite of declining.