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People have been dreaming of finding a way to turn other metals into gold for thousands of years. While it may be theoretically possible to do this, nobody has ever truly determined if there is a reaction that will make it happen.

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Q: Could you turn other metals into gold if you did the right reaction?
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How do you know if one metal is reacting faster than the other one?

There is different ways. Either you make an experiment yourself by reacting the different metals with a substance and then stopping the time it took for each reaction to stop ( quicker = more reactive) Or you can use already done experiments and look for your metal in there. Also there are columns of reactivity for metals. These tell you which metals are more reactive. The more reactive ones are the ones that are going to react faster. THis can be essential when choosing the right metal for a reaction.

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The metalloids split the table these are a diagonal group of elements, B, Si, Ge, As, Sb and Te. To their right are the non metals to the left the metals. There are many more metals than any other type of element. See Wikipedia article "Periodic table (metals and non metals)"

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Most non-metals are found on the right side of the periodic table. On the extreme right however the last column is of noble gases. So we could say non-metals are positioned between metals and noble gases.

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metals on left, non-metals on right, some others in middle.

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In the periodic table metals are on the left of the line. But elements touching it are called semi metals and have properties of both metals and nonmetals

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If that happens contact a dr. right away it could be an allergic reaction to something and it could be really serious!

What group of metals is so reactive that the metals are never found as?

The group you're thinking of is group 1, the alkali metals. They include sodium and potassium, and you're right, they are so reactive that they do not exist by themselves. They only exist in compounds with other elements.