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Q: Crave more lose what you have?
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Why do you crave starchy foods?

starchy foods are bad carbs, which produce sugars, sugar in turn produces the crave , and the more starches, are plain white sugar you eat the more your body will crave

How can you lose ten pound in two weeks on a juice diet?

You can lose that and more. I lost 9lbs in 7 days on my current juice diet and 9.5 inches. A juice diet is a great way to lose weight and once you have experienced the detox effect your body will be ride of the toxins that make you crave bad foods.

Who craves chocolate women or men?

Both men and women can crave chocolate, but women tend to crave it more than men do.

Can you lose weight with distilled water?

Yes, by drinking water, you will be able to avoid your crave for food. This will help lessen your weight.

What do you crave for?

I crave for a D.S.Chocolate!

Do humans crave things more because we know we can't have it?


What do reindeers crave?

They do not crave anything.

Does fasting actually help with weight loss?

No, when you get hungry, you crave more food.

How do you write a sentence using the word crave?

crave ex: i crave another snickers bar they are my favorite.

What is Something you crave that starts with w?

I crave waffles. I also crave Wild Cherry Ice Cream.

How do you use crave in a sentence?

"I crave over chocolate"

Do alcoholics crave chocolate?

No, alcoholics crave alcohol.