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Q: Creating a favorable impression of oneself in a courtroom is an example of?
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Give you a example of site?

Media in the courtroom

What does vivid impression mean?

Vivid impression means strong impression. For example, "my boyfriend made a vivid impression on my parents, and because of that they knew exactly what he was like."

What does it mean to be the most favorable?

By definition, favorable is: expressing approval, giving consent, helpful, encouraging, advantageous. To be the most favorable would then mean the most approving, helpful, encouraging (& so on). Example: "a most favorable wind", "I've just received the most favorable answer".

What is an example of impressment?

There are many different words to describe a first impression. For example, action verbs describe a first impression nicely.

Which of these is not an example of ethos in a courtroom?

Pleading with the jury for mercy, which they know is the best course of action.

What is an example of a favorable mutation?

a mutation that makes a rabbit able to run faster

What is an example of Dominant Impression?

It can be something important about every individual. Example are you importan what people can see in you as a person

What kind of people left you the deepest impression?

Those that live out loud.( by example)

What is order of impression for details?

The order of impression of details really depends on the subject studied. For example school studies will have many more details and the order will vary.

What is the most likely example of a favorable mutation?

A mutation that makes a rabbit able to run faster.

What is impressments ''?

Impressment is the act of seizing by force. Example:(used in a sentence) Britain also interfered with U.S. trade by the impressment, or kidnapping, of American sailors to work on British ships.

What are the example of processes?

An example of an instruction from the Scientific Method is creating a hypothesis.