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If you are having frequent boils in the genital area, see your health care provider to consider a culture for staph carriage. See if hidradenitis suppurativa is a possible explanation. Increase your intake of vitamin C.

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Q: Cure for boils in the genital area?
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What does it mean if you have boils and itchiness in the genital area?

It means you have a problem and need to be examined by a doctor. If you are sexually active, you might have an STD.

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Will ofloxacin cure boils?

boils are bacterial infections and ofloxacin definitely work for boils

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The problem with Inner thigh boils is the constant rubbing together. Put a layer of Neosporin on it, and then apply cornstarch to the area, this will prevent any further rubbing, and will heal the boils.

Can antibiotics cure Genital warts?

no they can not.

What causes genital boils?

Genitl boils are when you dont properly clean the area or not at all and sweat builds up and makes boils but if washed after a few days they will go away i actsully had some before i was given the same info

Can urine cure a cold sore?

No. If it did, genital herpes would get better a lot faster.

Can penicillin be uses on boils?

Yes, penicillin can cure boils. The penicillin usually given for boils is Flucloxacillin. If a person is allergic to penicillin, they will be given a different antibiotic.

What type of category is genital herpes?

I'm assuming the question refers to Genital Herpes. Herpes is officially labeled as a Virus, and being a virus it is officially known to have no cure.

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tissue transplanted from part of the body to part of your genital area.

Non-painful bumps around genital area?

could be genital warts caused by HPV

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In the US genital and breast massage is not acceptable.