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More DNA. The DNA unzips and then makes more from the code that genes give, It has to fit A with T and C with G. Mutations happen when the DNA does not unzip on time and the new DNA still sticks to the DNA that was supposed to unzip

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12y ago
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15y ago

== == Duplication of the DNA; often part of mitosis (cell division); growth process.

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11y ago

It results in two new strands of DNA, each with one new strand and one old. This process is called semi-conservitive replication. :-)

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13y ago

DNA replication results in to formation of sister chromatids in a chromosome.

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11y ago

Yes. In theory, DNA replication makes an exact duplicate of the cell's original DNA in preparation for mitosis.

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12y ago

sister chromatids in a chromosome

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11y ago

no. it does not

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Q: DNA replication result in identical chromosomes?
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Difference between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes?

Homologous chromosomes are individual chromosomes inherited from each parent. Sister chromatids are the result of DNA replication, and the are identical.

What are two ways that the end result of transcription and replication of DNA differ?

In the replication part, replication ensures that each new cell will have one complete set of genetic instructions. it does this by making identical strands of chromosomes. transcription enables to adjust to changing demands. it changes certain types of strands on the DNA

Why are Chromosomes called Double Chromosomes?

After DNA replication, there are double the number of chromosomes, which will be divided into two identical daughter nuclei during mitosis. For example, a normal human body cell has 46 chromosomes. When it undergoes DNA replication, the chromosomes are doubled so that there will be 92 chromosomes, consisting of 46 pairs of sister chromatids. During mitosis, the sister chromatids separate into two identical daughter nuclei, each having 46 chromosomes.

If you compare the original DNA to the two copies that are made after replication occurs what would you find?

Unless mutation occur the two copies of DNA that are made after replication are identical to its original form. Thus continuous replication of DNA in the chromosomes does not alter its nature.

After replication 2 identical molecules of?

After replication, two identical molecules of DNA are produced, each containing one original strand and one newly synthesized complementary strand. This process ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete copy of the genetic material.

The chromosomes are copied?

Before cell division, the chromosomes are duplicated through a process called DNA replication. This ensures that each new cell receives a complete set of genetic information. The duplicated chromosomes then align and separate during cell division to ensure each daughter cell receives a copy of the genetic material.

What is the DNA Replication?

DNA replication is the process in which the hydrogen bonds between the two strands of DNA are broken and then new DNA nucleotides are bonded along each strand according to the base-pairing rule. The result is two identical molecules of DNA.

DNA replication results in two identical DNA molecules. What role do DNA helicases have in DNA replication?

DNA helicases are enzymes responsible for unwinding the double-stranded DNA helix during replication. They separate the DNA strands by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the complementary base pairs, providing the single-stranded template needed for replication to occur. This process is crucial for allowing DNA polymerase to access the strands and synthesize new complementary strands.

Human chromosomes have hundreds of where the dna is unzipped so replication can begin?

The human chromosomes have hundreds of origins of replication where the DNA unwinds and replication begins. These origins are specific DNA sequences that mark the starting points for the replication process by recruiting the necessary enzymes and proteins. Replication occurs bidirectionally from each origin, ensuring that the entire chromosome is faithfully duplicated.

Do the two DNA double helics following DNA replication have the same or different composition?

They should be identical to the original DNA that underwent replication.

Do the two DNA double helics following DNA replication have the same or a different composition?

They should be identical to the original DNA that underwent replication.

Why is DNA copied in the process of replication?

DNA replication occurs because there need to be two identical copies of DNA before the nucleus of the cell divides, so that each new nucleus has a complete and identical copy of DNA.