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Is alcohol the best for cleaning hands?

No. Alcohol will cause dry skin.

Does lupus cause purple hands?

Lupus itself does not cause the purple hands. But Raynaud's syndrome does cause it and Raynaud's often occurs in overlap with lupus. Raynaud's is an autoimmune disorder that causes the nerves that control the capillaries in the extremities to contract inappropriately when exposed to chilly temperatures or stress.

Can alcohol abuse cause pins and needles in hands and legs and palpitations?

Yes indeed so

Does zucchini make your hands turn purple?


Will rubbing alcohol on hands make you fail a alcohol test?

No, it will not.

What to do if someone inhaled rubbing alcohol?

Health care professionals use rubbing alcohol on theoi hands all day long, so must inhale some of it & it doesn't cause a problem.

What is the better colour aqua or purple?

Purple.No question,hands-down the best color is purple

Will alcohol free hand sanitizer irritate dry skin?

Sanitizers with alcohol as an ingredient will cause your hands to dry out more. All hand cleaning products such as sanitizers and soaps will cause more dry skin conditions if used frequently. While alcohol free hand sanitizer will cause less irritation of dry skin than those with alcohol, it will be beneficial to you to use lotion after using those products.

What to do if your finger an purple?

wash your hands in warm water :) also keep your hands warm. if this doesn't help then go to your doctor :) Your fingers usually go purple if they are cold!

Does alcohol show up in a piss test?

No alcohol does not show up in your piss test. EXAMPLE-Like if you drink ALAZE the purple one than your piss is not going to be purple.

Why does alcohol cause swollen hands?

I am a celiac, which means I have an allergy to glutton. Drinking anything with glutton causes my face to swell. MANY people suffer from celiacs and have no idea because in many cases the symptoms are mild and the body can also eventually get acclimated to certain foods where little to no symptoms will occur. This may not correlate to your situation but if stomach problems are coupled with your swelling after drinking beer, (not rum or tequilla as they contain no glutton) than you may want to get checked out.

What causes purple colour tingling and numbness to hands?