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Does useless have a prefix and suffix?

Yes, It does. I think that 'use' is the prefix and sorry to say, I don't know what the suffix would be. I don't even know if that is right. It is a guess

Does the word redistribution use a prefix or suffix?

Both. The "re" is a prefix that means "again," and the "tion" is a suffix which turns the verb "distribute" into a noun.

How do you use cooperative and its suffix and prefix?

Co is the prefix. ive is the Suffix

What are the two classification of affixes?

Affixation is adding a prefix, suffix, or infix to a word. English does not typically use infixation. A prefix is something like UNcertain, and a suffix occurs at the end of the word, like describABLE.

Is use a prefix or a suffix?


What is the prefix in the word brunette?

There is no prefix. The root word is brun- which means brown and the suffix is -ette. Together it a dark woman. We often use it for hair color.

When to use a hyphen?

After a prefix and before a suffix

Is adverb a prefix?

No. A prefix is a letter or letters placed before a word to form a new word. For example, the prefix ad- was historically added to verb to form the word adverb. The formation of adverbs from adjectives typically use the suffix -LY.

Prefix of capable?

The suffix of capable is the able part of the word. And the prefix of capable is the cap part in the word. Capable is one of the only words without a root word/base word because of that it has like every word a prefix at the beginning and a suffix at the end. You would use able in a sentence like this:are you able to work and if you used the whole word it would be I am capable of doing my homework. Capable,able or cap(like a hood)in many different ways.

What is the prefix of imagine?

The noun imagination does not use any prefixes (the related adjective imaginary can rarely use the prefix non: nonimaginary). The suffix in the word imagination is -tion (-ation) which is applied to the verb imagine to form a noun.

What is the prefix and suffix for useless?

The prefix is use,and guess what I'm a kid!

Use the word correspondence in a sentence?

I look forward to your next correspondence.