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Firstly you can try to get enough sleep and eat plenty of vitamin rich foods. You can try to put cool things on your eyes, such as cucumber slices, ice wrapped in cloth or a chilled slice of potato. There are several expensive creams and lotions that claim to reduce the appearance of dark circles, some of which are simply concealers that cover the dark area and others that deliver vitamin K and retinol direct to the area. Drink plenty of water and avoid items that cause an allergic reaction.

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To lighten the dark veins under eyes put potatoe and cocumber slices on your eyes,leave them on for about 20 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

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Q: What can help with dark circles under the eyes?
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Why does the pupil dilate when its dark?

The pupil of your eye controls the level of light entering your retina were the little micro sensors of your eyes are stored. When it is dark, you pupil dilates, letting in more light, even though there isn't much, therefore making it easier to see in the dark. Extra details: In the dark, you also have specialized parts of your eyes, that take a while to become active, that help you see in the dark. These parts stay inactive when it's bright because the light burns them. That is why it hurts your eyes to go from dark, to bright in a quick flash. Also since they take a while to become active, there also the reason it takes a while to be able to see in the dark

Why do athlete put black under their eyes?

To help them see, it's a contrast between the blinding light of the sun. Kind of works as sunglasses

Do carrots help you see in the dark?

No it is not proven that carrots do actually help you to see in the dark. . . this is an old myth not a true fact

What herbs help eyes?


What are small water sacs on the top of cheek bone?

If these small water sacs are beneath your eyes, and just above your cheeks, they are probably related to allergies. Sometimes this is a reponsed to your exposure to environmental elements that you are allergic too. Typically, allergens (those things you are allergic to like pollen, oak, grass, dog hair, etc) cause allergic reactions like sniffy nose, watery, dry, itchy eyes, dark circles under your eyes, but sometimes, these allergic reactions are small water sacs. These reactions are caused by your body when it releases a substance called "histamine." Don't try popping them. Not a good idea. The best answer is to take something that will help with your allergic symptoms. You want to counteract the histamine response by taking an "anti-histamine." This is something like benadryl or diphenhydramine over the counter. If you want something that is non-sedating, then pick up some Zyrtec or claritin over the counter. That should do it!

Related questions

What are home remedies to help w dark circles under the eyes and does vasoline and loation work?

rub white wine vinegar on the circles

Does ice help black circles under your eyes?

Yes, I usually do this if i have bags under my eyes

What fruit or vegetable helps to lighten dark circles under eyes?

Some tips for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes are to fix nasal congestion, get a good sleep, change nutrition and quit smoking. One can also use natural remedies, such as cucumbers.

Can potatoes help you skin?

Well if you grate potato and put it under your eyes for about 20 minutes, it'll take dark circles away.

Need help with dark circles and redness on skin?

There are several methods for counteracting dark circles and redness of the skin. For under eye circles, it is best to use a yellow based concealer to minimize the appearance of under eye circles. Redness in the face can be counteracted with a green based primer under foundation.

Dark circles under eye?

to reduce the apperance of under eye dark circle , you could try using a concealer that adapts to your skin tone, but as the day goes by you can sweat and the make up can smudge making your dark circles visible again. If you want to get rid of them not cover them then getting alot of sleep and drinking enough water will hydrate your skin and can help the puffiness under the eyes a little bit, but as for the dark circles they are hard to get rid of ounce you do have them. I suggest that you try a collagen eye mask to brighten the dark circles and leave your eyes refreshed and awaken them. I used Eye Rid a collagen Q10 eye mask that really helped me at clearing up the dark circles and wrinkles, and instantly remove the puffy eye bags that you get in the morning. I hope this helped you out, and good luck

How do cucumbers help eliminate dark circles under the eyes?

If you're talking about when you have a facial and you put slices of cucumber on your eyes,well. It does nothing,it is just to help you relax so you can't see the outside world,and it feels great on your eyelids once your done.

If you have thrush at age of 15 girl and you have dark circles under your eyes is it because of thrush n what foods should you eat to reduce dark circles and what should you rude answers?

I'm not so sure what thrush is and I don't know if any type of food can prevent it, but usually the cause of dark circles is lack of sleep. Drinking lots of water might help also.

What does iii over ooo brain teaser mean?

Hey there! Thanks for the interesting question. The "iii over ooo" brain teaser is actually a visual puzzle that involves rearranging the letters to form a well-known phrase or word. Let me explain how it works. When you see "iii," it represents the Roman numeral for three (III). Similarly, "ooo" represents the letter "O" repeated three times. So, the brain teaser is asking you to rearrange the letters in a way that reflects the relationship between the number three (III) and the letter "O" repeated three times. Now, the solution to this brain teaser is to rearrange the letters to form the phrase "Three in a row." It's a clever play on words, as "III" represents three, and "ooo" represents the three "O"s in a row. Brain teasers like this one are meant to challenge your thinking and test your creativity. They're a fun way to exercise your brain and come up with clever solutions. So, the next time you come across a brain teaser, give it a shot and see if you can crack the code! I hope that helps! If you have any more brain teasers or questions, feel free to ask. I'm here to help and chat.

Need doctor advise.How do you get rid of under eye circle if you sleep well and dont take any drugs?

If you have dark circles under your eyes then you might just be tired. You should wear concealer for awhile until the circles subside. If you are a guy, exercise a bit more. It will help your skin.

Treatment or remedy for dark circles puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes to avoid from looking older?

Why Do They Arise? There are a number of causes of dark circles under eyes some of which are: Rubbing the Eyes a Lot due to lack of sleep or itchy eyes that occur in dusty rooms or if one suffers from an allergy, for example hay fever Sleep Difficulty (possibly due to stress or depression). Allergies Hay fever and dust allergies are known to cause dark circles under eyes. Dehydration As the skin under the eye is so close to the underlying bone, a lack of water in the body will become apparent in this area when the body is dehydrated. This will show up as a dark circle around or under the eye and will disappear once the body is properly hydrated again. Aging The skin tissue around the eyes is less plump and gets thinner when aging, causing dark circles. A moisturising dark circle eye cream can help to make this skin stronger and healthier again. How To Deal with Them There are a lot of other ways to deal with dark circle Drinking Lots of Water This will help avoid the problem of having dark circles, as one of the main causes of dark circles under eyes is dehydration. Water retention (the body holding on to fluids, making the body look bloated) will cause swelling under the eyes. Get Plenty of Sleep As the skin has self-healing properties and regulates fluids and transfers them to areas where they are needed itself, getting enough sleep is all important. At least 7-8 hours a night is recommended to remove dark circles under eyes. A Healthy Diet Plenty or proteins, fish and fresh fruit and vegetables (vitamin C and iron) and cutting salt out of your diet will help you look and feel a lot better. Salt dehydrates and vitamins and proteins will help keep the skin firm and looking healthy. Drinking lots of water every day will moisturise your skin from the inside of your body. Stop Smoking Smoking damages the skin and destroys certain vitamins in the body (especially vitamin C, needed to re-build skin cells). De-hydrating the skin, especially when combined with a regular intake of coffee and other high-caffeine drinks will make dark circles worse. To remove dark circles under eyes it is absolutely crucial to take good care of your health and that includes quitting with smoking.

How to get rid of dark circles?

Try applying frozen green tea bags once a day. It'll be chilly, but the anti-oxidants will take away some of the circles and sagging. Dark circles are formed due to insufficient sleep, iron deficiency and mood swings. Here are a few tips to prevent dark circles. Get enough sleep. Every person ideally needs about 8 hours of sleep, but if you think 6 or more is sufficient then sleep the needed hours. Close the windows and block light from hitting your face. Regulate the room temperature and have a good sleep. Exercise your eyes regularly. If you use the computer for more than 8 hours then it is important to take care of your eyes. Make it a practise to look up and away from the monitor once an hour. Rub the palms of your hands and place it on your eyes once an hour. Wash your eyes with cold water and keep them closed for a few minutes after long hours of work on the computer. Be positive and have a calm and relaxed mind. Do not let anything bother you and never take anything personally. Resource: