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You can eat whenever you would like.

As for the solidity of the food, that depends on your personal healing process.

I had all four of mine removed a week ago yesterday and on Saturday evening I managed to have a Meximelt from Taco Bell. I just used a fork and broke it up, chewed with my front teeth and swallowed. Now that it has been eight days I am able to eat like I did before. The first few days I was over-cautious to make sure I didn't dislodge a clot and basically ate water ice, baby food, applesauce and mashed potatoes. Your healing process and pain tolerance will be dependent of what you're able to do though. I knew someone else who had theirs removed and couldn't eat for about two weeks.

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Q: Day 3 of your tooth extraction when can you eat?
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Most likely due to the Maxilofacial or Parietal nerves, which have been disturbed by the extraction. Don't worry --- it goes away.

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Depends on the person and what type of extraction it could be very short like 40 minutes when i got mine or for hours but keep in mind if they bleed longer than a few hours you need to call your dentest

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It is a bit unlikely to get dry socket 10 days after an extraction, but not impossible. Usually dry socket occurs 3-5 days after the extraction.

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Take her straight back to the dentist first. You can rinse with salt water 3 or 4 times a day and Listerine (Listerine kills bacteria in the mouth) twice a day-but the best option is to get the dentist to look at it-she could have a cyst.

Can a blood clot become dislodged 4 days after an extraction?

Yes it can After 3 or 4 days I recently got my first wisdom tooth extracted at everything was fine into the fourth day I a I add a tortilla chips and the clot became dislodged but it will bleed

Can you get a dry socket 4 days after a tooth extraction?

Yes. It usually happens at least 24 hours after an extraction. But this is also the time period when an extraction hurts the most - see your dentist who can tell you whether it's actually dry socket or just post-op pain.

What does dentist put in tooth extraction prior to stitches?

Just got it done on a tooth that's been broken for over 3 years. He took a ground up tooth, which is treated to bond with itself, and filled it into the opening where the old tooth was. This keeps a solid substructure for your tooth so if you want to get an implant later on there is something to implant into. Otherwise you just have gums.

Why wont my socket heal after a tooth extraction 3 weeks ago and is now heavly infected?

Sometimes bacteria gets in the socket or there is a small piece of extracted tooth left in the socket. It is important to be treated with an anti biotic to heal your infection.

How soon after tooth extraction can you work out?

You can start after 3 - 5 days after extraction. It's not recommended to get start earlier because possibility of apearing some complications, i.e. dry socket.