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Q: Death penalty should excist
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Why should the death penalty be illegal?

it should not be

Should juveniles receive the death penalty?

No, nobody should receive the death penalty. An eye for an eye will just leave the world blind.

Should there be a death penalty for gay people?

No, there should not be a death penalty for gay people. Unfortunately, as of 2017, there are 10 countries that put people to death for being gay.

What crimes should be punishable by death but did not get the death penalty in recent times?

Crimes that should be punishable by death, but did not get the death penalty in recent times are; crimes of terror attack, and crimes against humanity.

Should the death penalty be banned?

The decision to ban the death penalty is a complex and controversial issue. Some argue that it is a violation of human rights and that there is a risk of executing innocent individuals. Others believe it serves as a deterrent to serious crimes and provides a sense of justice for victims and their families. Ultimately, the debate continues as different countries and states make their own decisions on whether or not to abolish the death penalty.

Should the death penalty be bought back?

no,absolutely no

Should the us ban the death penalty?


Why should death penalty be reinstated?

maybe, maybe not ;)

Debate about death penalty here in Philippines?

Death penalty should be a law bcoz criminals are no pity . Its very unfair to the victims.

Republican view on death penalty?

They are against it. Most republicans are Christians and Christians are against any death that is on purpose. [EDIT] Actually Republicans are for the death penalty believing that it is a proper punishment and that the death penalty should be added to drug "Kingpins".

Should the word death penalty be capitalized in a sentence?


Does Minnesota have the death penalty?

No. Minnesota does not currently have the death penalty, and attempts to reinstate in within the last decade have proven fruitless in the state's legislature.