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Oil and natural gas.

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Q: Decomposed sea creatures mainly form what two types of fossil fuels?
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Are trees a fossil fuel?

No. Although trees can become fossil fuels, they are not considered fossil fuels until they are decomposed. Fossil fuels are created when organisms die and are decomposed over millions of years. They then form coal, petroleum or natural gas. These fuels are called nonrenewable resources, because they take so long to create. Trees grow relatively fast, so they are considered renewable.

Forms of energy made from the remains of dead plants and small creatures is are called?

Fossil fuels are the forms of energy made from the remains of dead plants and small creatures. Examples of fossil fuels are coal and natural gas.

Why are fossil fuels called fossil fuels even thought they have no fossils?

They are fossils themselves, just not the kind you think of when you see fossilised dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures like trilobites, where a fossil is inside a rock. Coal for example is fossilised wood. Oil is the decomposed remains of plankton, etc. They were all once living organisms.

What is an example of a renewable fossil fuel?

Fossil fuels are NOT renewable. Fossil fuels are made from dead animals, trees and sea creatures, which died millions of years ago.

How can cars pollute the rivers?

they release fossil fuels in to the atmosphere, fossil fuels is mainly coal and they pollute the atmosphere and rivers as you said.

Why won't fossil fuels last forever?

Fossil Fuels are created when the remains of plants and creatures are put under extreme pressure for extremely long periods of time. There Isn't an infinite amount of vegetation and creatures that lived that long ago, therefore there isn't an infinite amount of Fossil Fuels.

Where are fossil fuels mainly used?

fossil fuels are mainly used in power plants to create energy some of these fossil fuels could be coal etc. Fossil fuels burnt make 2 different gasses witch rise and make rain witch is call acid rain . Witch can damage wildlife and other things. The truth is that fossil fuels are mainly used to feed thing that are destined to become fossils. Anything else is a myth as oil is abiotic.

What is the difference between fossils and fossils fuels?

Fossils are the remains of plants and animals, and fossil fuels are decomposed plants and animals that form coal, oil, and natural gas.

Why are fossil fuels mainly used?

they provide the most energy efficiently

What is fossil fuels made?

Fossil fuel is made out of, decomposed plants and animal matter that had been buried upon layer under sediment over millions of years.

What is alternative fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels come from fossilied plant matter in the ground. Alternative fuels are alternatives to fossil fuels, and these are mainly carbon fuels that take their carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (as fossil fuels do) but on a carbon cycle with a much shorter term. An example is wood, which can be burned as more trees are growing and absorbing carbon dioxide.

Why do people need to develop alternative sources of renewable energy and become less dependent on fossil fuels?

Mainly two reasons. (1) The fossil fuels will eventually be used up. (2) Fossil fuels cause pollution.