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Q: Decreased alertness slurred speech drowsiness and depressed respiration are common side effects of .?
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Can you take dilaudud and oxycodone at the same time?

in short, yes. my dr has me on kadian with oxyodone for breakthrough pain. just dont take more than whats rx'd

What are the common signs of childhood insomnia?

The signs of childhood insomnia are often overlooked. Signs are mood swings, depressed mood, aggressiveness, memory problems, a decreased attention span or irritability.

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What are some symptoms of depression?

Some Symptoms could include Tiredness , Clumsiness, And drowsiness. Recognizing someone with depression can be relatively difficult as it varies on the personality of the person, however it is common for a depressed individual to have a lack of words and showing signs of being shy and less involved within conversations. Furthermore, people can tend to look down at the ground and show physical signs of feeling depressed.

What are the most common symptoms of depression?

Depressed Mood, Decreased Interest or Pleasure, Weight Changes, Sleep Disturbances, Psychomotor Agitation or Retardation, Feelings of Worthlessness or Guilt, most doctors would give you pills.

What is the comparative and superlative of the word depressed?

more depressed, most depressed

What are opioid analgesics side effects?

euphoria, depressed respiratory breathing, pin pointed pupils, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness.... and the list goes on.

How do you use the word depressed in a sentence?

i am depressed that you are asking this

Does a person have to look depressed to be depressed?

Absolutely not! Many depressed persons pretend not to be depressed so as not to upset their family and friends. Its possible to be quite good at this role playing.

Do fish get depressed?

maybe. i think they get depressed when you think they're happy, and they're happy when you think they're depressed.

What do you say to your doctor if you think your depressed?

"I think I may be depressed."