

Define bohar atomic model

Updated: 5/20/2024
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βˆ™ 9y ago

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This question refers to the Danish physicist Niels Bohr, and the 1913 atomic model which bears his name. The Bohr model is important because it places electrons into distinct orbital placement and energy levels.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 3w ago

Bohr atomic model is a theory proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913 to describe the structure of atoms. It suggests that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells, and that they can only occupy certain discrete energy levels. This model helps to explain the stability of atoms and the emission of light during electron transitions.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Niels Bohr? The atom had a nucleus with electrons orbiting in exact orbits (paths). Electrons were allowed only in certain orbits corresponding with exact values of energy.

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What is the relationship between atomic radius and the corresponding model radius?

Atomic radius refers to the size of an atom, while model radius is the size of the atom as represented in a molecular or atomic model. In most models, the model radius is larger than the atomic radius in order to make the structure more visible and distinguishable. The relationship between the two is that the model radius is typically proportional to the atomic radius but scaled up for clarity.

Are there any limitations of Chadwick's atomic model?

Yes, Chadwick's atomic model did not fully explain the properties of the electron cloud or electron behavior within an atom. It also did not delve into the concept of electron energy levels and their relationship to atomic spectra.

What are the 7 atomic models in chronological order?

Atomic model of DemocritusAtomic model of DaltonAtomic model of ThomsonAtomic model of RutherfordAtomic model of BohrAtomic model of SommerfeldSchrödinger model

What is the name of Schrodinger atomic model?

The SchrΓΆdinger atomic model is known as the Quantum Mechanical Model or the Wave Mechanical Model. It describes electrons in atoms as standing waves guided by probability equations rather than fixed circular orbits.

What is the atom model called?

The atom model is called the "Bohr model," named after Niels Bohr who proposed it in 1913. This model describes the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons in specific energy levels or orbits.

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How does the atomic model we use today differ from Bohr's model?

The atomic model used today, known as the quantum mechanical model, incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics including the concept of electron clouds and probability distributions of electron locations, while Bohr's model focused on specific orbits for electrons. The quantum mechanical model provides a more accurate description of electron behavior and allows for a better understanding of the complexities of atomic structure.

Is an atomic model extremely accurate?

The atomic model cannot be extremely accurate.

How is the Bohr model better than the Rutherford model?

Bohr formulated new explanation and theories to remove Rutherford defect in Rutherford atomic model thats why Bohr atomic model is better than Rutherford atomic model.

How does the atomic model you used today differ from Bohr model?

The modern atomic model is based on quantum mechanics.

What was albert summerfield atomic model?

Albert Summerfield never proposed an atomic model. It seems there may be confusion with John Joseph Thomson or J.J. Thomson, who proposed the "plum pudding model" of the atom in 1904.

Are there any limitations of Chadwick's atomic model?

Yes, Chadwick's atomic model did not fully explain the properties of the electron cloud or electron behavior within an atom. It also did not delve into the concept of electron energy levels and their relationship to atomic spectra.

What atomic model is sometimes called the miniature solar system?

bhor's atomic model!! i think ;)

What Components Make Up The Atomic Model?

The atomic model includes protons, electrons and neutrons.

What additions or correction were made to Dalton atomic model?

An atomic model from Dalton doesn't exist.

The Bohr model of atomic structure?

Niels Bohr propose a planetary model for the atomic nucleus.

How did Thomson's' experiment change Dalton's atomic model?

An atomic model of Dalton doesn't exist; the model of Thomson was called plum pudding model.

Which tool is most commonly used in the standard improvent model define phase?

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