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Powers that are specifactly granted to the federal government by the constitution.

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Q: What is a delegated power?
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What can delegated powers do?

Delegated powers can do whatever falls within the scope of their power itself. For example, if my delegated power is education, then this power gives me the ability to do anything within the sphere of education in my political jurisdiction.

Is building roads a delegated power?

No, building roads would be an example of a concurrent power. Another example of a concurrent power is the power to tax. Concurrent powers are powers that are shared between the federal government and the states.

Where are the delegated powers found?

In the United States, the delegated powers are found in the Constitution.

What is the definition of delegated powers?

A Long Time Before when there used to be just the single Person who was responsible for all the activities within a company. With the passage of time, When companies started to grow, it became difficult for a sole man or women to control each and every business activity. That's the situation in which the concept of Power Delegation occurred. In this way, an owner of business started dividing his powers to different trusted individuals to expand the business effectively and efficiently.So the delegated power is the authority that's delivered by the owner to his employees in a specific business.It might be said the Political or Social Power that is inherited by Ancestors or Someone Greater in Rank

Why do you have seperation of power?

In the United States, separation of powers of each branch of government )Legislature, the Executive branch-The President, The Judicial-Supreme Court) so one branch will not abuse power delegated to it. Written in the constitution are the checks and balances of each branch.

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