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Powers that are specifactly granted to the federal government by the constitution.

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6mo ago

Delegated powers are those that are specifically granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. These powers are listed in the document and include things like coining money, declaring war, and regulating interstate commerce. Any powers not expressly given to the federal government are reserved for the states.

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Q: What is a delegated power?
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What can delegated powers do?

Delegated powers are specific powers assigned to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, such as the power to regulate interstate commerce, coin money, and declare war. These powers are important for the functioning of the federal government and enable it to carry out its responsibilities effectively.

Why can be the power of taxation cannot be delegated?

The power of taxation cannot be delegated because it is a fundamental sovereign power of the government. Delegating this power could lead to abuse and lack of accountability. Additionally, delegating the power of taxation could create confusion and inefficiencies in the tax system.

Is building roads a delegated power?

Yes, building roads is typically a delegated power granted to government entities, whether at the federal, state, or local level. Governments have the authority to plan, construct, and maintain infrastructure, including roads, to facilitate transportation and ensure public safety and well-being.

Where are the delegated powers found?

Delegated powers are found in the United States Constitution. These powers are specifically granted to the federal government, such as the power to regulate interstate commerce, declare war, and coin money.

What is the definition of delegated powers?

Delegated powers are the specific powers and responsibilities granted to the federal government by the Constitution. These powers are spelled out explicitly in the Constitution and include things like the power to regulate commerce, declare war, and coin money.