

Definition of Momentum in physics

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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The momentum of a moving body is defined as the product of its mass and velocity. Notice that since 'velocity' has a direction as well as a magnitude (is a vector quantity), momentum also has direction as well as magnitude. That's why two billiard balls, moving toward each other each with the same exact speed, can completely stop dead after the collision ... since their velocities are in opposite directions, their momentums are also exactly opposite, and add up to zero.

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Is there any relation between moments in physics and statistics?

i think you don's understand difference between MOMENT & MOMENTUM MOMENT is use in statics means FORCE INTO PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE. MOMENTUM is use in physics means MASS INTO VELOCITY.actually both are part of physics so we ca't ask like this MOMENT IN PHYSICS AND STATICS??