

Definition of newton law

Updated: 9/1/2020
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thank for making the law of physic simply

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Q: Definition of newton law
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Who intoduced inertia to the world?

Newton's first law leads to the definition of inertia.So, it was Newton who introduced inertia to the world.

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The definition of reaction force is a force that acts in opposite direction to the action force. This is in accordance to Newton's third law.

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Newton's second law of motion: F=ma (force equals mass times acceleration) The rate of change of momentum is proportional to the imposed force and goes in the direction of the force.

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Who discover newtons law of motion?

Isaac Newton, he discovered: -Newton's First Law of motion. -Newton's Second Law of motion. -Newton's Third Law of motion.

What are theApplications of Newton laws in daily life?

1- the first law of newton's:- bicycling contains the first law of newton's 2- the second law of newton's:- pushing a car contains the second law of newton's 3- the third law of newton's:- the launching of a rocket contains the third law of newton's guess this is correct...:) :D

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Newton's First law means that a force changes either the direction in which an object travels, the speed the object travels,or the shape of the object.

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# Linear # Reciprocating # Oscillating # Rotary