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It's when Spock plays Rock Paper Scissors.

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Q: Definition of ocean warming
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Related questions

How does ocean pollution affect global warming?

Global warming does not really affect ocean pollution. However, ocean pollution is something that is effecting global warming. This is because the pollutants are what is causing the warming trend.

Weather event associated with the warming of the Pacific Ocean?

The hot and dry weather is associated with the warming of the Pacific Ocean.

The definition greenhouse warming?

Warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere

What is the definition of a ocean community?

what is the definition of ocean communities

Does global warming effect the land or the ocean more?

The ocean is in more danger than the land is as ocean currents control most of the land temperatures, so the ocean is effecting gobal warming more.

How can ocean get bigger?

An ocean can become bigger when glaciers start melting (Global Warming does this)

What ocean current causes warming?

up currents

What describes a warming of the eastern Pacific ocean near the equator?

A warming of the Eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator denotes an El Niño Southern Oscillation, or ENSO.

How does warming of the ocean disrupt the water cycle?

Warming of oceans raise the temperature. More water gets evaporated.

What is the problem why ocean dying?

It is because of pollution and global warming.

How does the warming of the ocean affect the water?

it increases the evaporation water.

How will global warming will affect nature and people?

the ocean will rise.