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No that is not okay, its like saying let me drill through your foundation to see if there is a leak!

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Q: Dentist made a hole in your tooth from side to see cavity is that fine?
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What does a hole in a tooth mean?

A hole is a cavity, it means that the tooth is rotten or rotted. If you see a hole it is past time to see the dentist. You should also be brushing more often.

What is the hole in a tooth?

cavity is the hole in tooth

What is a tiny hole behind the back of a tooth?

i think you are referring to the lingual fossa.

What to do when you have a hole in your gum next to your tooth?

Visit your dentist immediately. If it is an infection, care and treatment will keep further problems from happening. It could be a cavity.

What is wrong when the teeth your dentist filled are still hurting three weeks later?

It means that might have a small hole in your tooth with the filling ( which might not be visible.) you will have to go to the dentist again to see if the cavity has continued to grow in your gum or tooth.

Define a cavity?

A cavity is a hole which can be in the earth, a tooth, etc.

What is the solution to a hole INSIDE the tooth?

A dentist.

You got a filling in your tooth bout 2 years ago it then fell out and you never got it fixed but you have this hole on your back tooth were it fell out.what will the dentist do?

The dentist will probably have to slightly enlarge the hole and put in a new filling. During the time since the filling fell out, the food you have eaten will have worn down the sides of the cavity and so the dentist may not be able to make a new filling stay in place without tidying up the cavity.

What is it called if you have a hole in your tooth?

"Cary" (one r ) is the real, or, medical, term for a hole in a tooth due to tooth decay. These are commonly referred to as "cavities" however a "cavity" technically can be a hole or depression in anything. A Cary is specifically a hole in a tooth.

Is it possible to remove cavities?

If you are referring to dental carries, or cavities in your teeth, the answer is no. The tooth, once formed and erupted, does not produce more enamel, so once there is a hole it is there for good unless a dentist fixes it.

How do you stop a bleeding tooth hole?

see a dentist! stat!

What could have caused a tiny hole in my tooth I was just at the orthodontist and he didn't say anthing about it. I was also just at the dentist a few weeks ago and they didn't notice a hole?

You got a cavity or chipped it some how and the doctors didn't notice it. Heat up a needle with a flame & jab it in the hole. That will help prevent infection. If you feel a tiny burn, than you should get if filled like a cavity at the dentist.