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In 1992, the Civil Service Commission of the City and County of Denver, Colorado contracted with Stanard & Associates, Inc. to develop a new physical ability test. A content-oriented strategy was used to design valid and job-related physical ability tests for the positions of police officer, firefighter and corrections officer. Since then, S&A has used the "Denver/Stanard Model" for physical ability testing to develop job-related sequences of physical tasks for over 40 agencies throughout the country, including one of the nation's largest municipal police departments, the New York City Police Department. Departments use our tests for entry-level and in-service standards. They are developed to measure the basic physical skills necessary for the job and meet all Federal and EEOC Testing guidelines.

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Q: Denver Standard Physical Agility Test
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it was so good to understand all its agility,speed,power,balance,flexibility,local, muscle endurance,cardiovascular endurance,strength endurance by tine_ 08

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