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Q: Deos the long term exposure to strip-n-All spray mist can cause bronchial infections?
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What could happen to your child from you smoking around a child?

Smoke in the environment of a child can cause respiratory infections, such as throat, ear, sinus, bronchial and lung infections. It also can cause allergy symptoms of the nose and sinuses and asthma from bronchial irritation. Chronic exposure over a long period could predispose that child to develop lung cancer later in life, or other cancers, mostly of the respiratory system. It may also decrease the child's appetite and hinder weight gain and development.

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What is a medical repercussion of exposure to chromic acid salts?

Some medical complications from chromic acid salts are kidney and liver problems. Also exposure can cause irritation to the nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. Vomiting may sometimes occur.

What factors cause damage to hearing?

Prolonged exposure to loud noises such as in a work environment and chronic ear infections will damage your hearing noticeably.

What side effects can red cedar cause?

Many people develop asthma and bronchial spasms from exposure to red cedar or red cedar dust. This is due to an allergic reaction to plicatic acid present in the wood.

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Why is Bakelite dangerous?

Bakelite contain asbestos, a known and hazardous toxin. Exposure to Bakelite dust may cause lung infections, mesothelioma and other respiratory complications.

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How does smoking cause bronchitis?

Chemicals in tobacco irritate the lining of your bronchial tubes.

Exposure to what element can cause mental retardation?

Exposure to lead can also cause mental retardation.

Can exposure to wind outside cause headache?

yes, exposure to wind and specially breeze can cause headache

What do Klebsiella and Proteus cause?

Klebsiella and Proteus sometimes cause pneumonia, ear and sinus infections, and urinary tract infections