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The determination of whether an object floats or sinks depends on the overall density of that object.

The large ship, due to large pockets of air in it, has a lower density than water.

The small and hard brick has a higher density than water and thus sinks.

This is because the upward force acting on the body when they are immersed in water (upthrust) is equal to the weight of fluid displaced.

The weight W of an object of density d and volume V can be stated as:

W = dVg

where g is the acceleration of free fall.

Upthrust is the weight of fluid displaced. So, if a body is completely immersed in a fluid of density D, upthrust U is given by:

U = DVg

If D > d, then U > W and therefore the body floats (upward force greater than downward force restores the position of the body to the surface so that upthrust is equal to weight)

If d > D, then W > U and therefore the body sinks (downward force greater than upward force)

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Q: Depending on the concept of buoyancy how can a relatively large ship float while a small and hard brick sink?
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Why does the buoyancy effect an egg in the water?

Let's take a walk and talk about this. The force of buoyancy affects everything in the water. It affects a brick. But the force of buoyancy isn't enough to keep the brick afloat. But a brick weighs less under water than it does in air. Take the volume of the brick, take an equal volume of water, weigh the water, subtract the weight of that water from the weight of the brick in air, and you'll end up with the weight of the brick in the water. This is buoyancy in action. The brick weighs less because the water is pushing around it on all sides, but particularly from the bottom. This is true of all objects that sink. Like your egg, for example. It you have a "normal" egg, that is. Do an experiment. Take a bowl of water large enough to hold something like, say, a cantaloupe. Fill it nearly full of water and leave it in the sink. Hold an egg in the palm of your hand, and hold your hand over the bowl. Note the "weight" of the egg. That is, feel how heavy it is in your hand. Now lower your hand into the water. The egg will feel noticeably lighter. That's because the water is acting on the egg to buoy it up, or push it to the surface. That's buoyancy. The egg, however, is just a bit more dense that the same volume of water, so the egg will sink. But the egg weighs very little underwater compared to what it weighs in air. You can feel how light it becomes when you lower your hand into the water. That's buoyancy affecting the egg. For the most part, liquids all try to push whatever is put into them out. Objects less dense than the liquid will float. Those that are more dense will sink, but will weigh less under water because of buoyancy. Buoyancy is the force equal to the weight of the water displaced by an object that is submerged.

Can wallpaper go over a brick wall?

It has to be a relatively smooth surface, you would have to panel it first

What is the Bulk density of refractory brick?

It will be around 25 to 35kN/cum depending on the type of contents in Refractory brick. Regards N. Suresh kumar

Can a car go through a brick wall?

yes, depending on how much force your car has.

How much is brick face?

Depending upon what size of brick you order and the quantity, brick can be as cheap as $1.00 or less for lower grade brick and up to $20 or more for special shapes. Visit one of the top 5 brick companies in the US, Redland Brick: If you are looking for thin brick, they will cost about the same as a full size brick if the thin brick is made of real brick. Except you'll get two piece of face brick from each brick made. The number one thin brick company in America is Tru-Brix, you can visit their site here: htt://

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About 4.5 pounds for "average" US brick (but there is no set size for bricks in the US, so weight varies depending on actual size and clay type)

Can a brick be fingerprinted?

If it is glazed - yes definitely, no problem It it is relatively smooth - yes, the better labs can do wonders with difficult material. A broken surface - probably not.

Is igneous rock as strong as brick?

It varies depending on the type of rock. Some is stronger and some its weaker.