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Walking is an example of friction. when friction is formed you may slow down, but you may have a weak balance and fall to your height. friction can be used in many places, like themeparks and ice skating and even on the sole of your shoes.

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Q: Describe 3 examples where friction is useful?
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Describe 3 examples where low friction is not useful?

Friction is very useful but it has its own disadvantages. Friction causes wear and tear. Friction spoils the soles of our shoes. friction reduces speed This is all wrong some not useful types of friction are are when airplanes fly the friction causes heat that materials that will withstand which are costly.

What 3 sports are friction useful and not useful for?

Friction is helpful for these sports:FootballJavelinWeight liftingFriction is not helpful for these sports:SkiingDiving

Why is friction not useful?

friction is the most useful thing in the world think about it...... without friction 1. we couldn't run 2.if we did run we couldn't stop 3.we couldn't eat butter haha pwned

Examples of the 3 types of friction?

air friction also called air resistance or drag solid friction which is just normal friction and liquid friction like hydro-dynamics

What are 3 ways friction is useful?

It allows you to walk (with out friction between you and the floor this wouldn't be possible) It is needed for braking can be used to produce heat

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What are the 3 ways in which friction can be reduced with examples?

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Describe the 3 types of friction?

Three types of friction are :1. Kinetic friction :Friction that arises between surfaces in relative motion.2. Static friction :Friction that acts between surfaces at rest with respect to each other3. Rolling friction : Friction that occurs when an object rolls over a surface.3_types_of_friction

Name and describe 3 types of friction?

there are actually 4 different types of friction they are : 1. static friction- friction between two surfaces that are not moving past each other 2. sliding friction- the force that opposes the motion of two surfaces sliding past each other 3. rolling friction- the friction between a rolling object and the surface it rolls on 4. fluid friction- when an object is moving in liquid or gas if this is for an exam if you are asked for only three types of friction, do not state static friction because there is no movement

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Negative and positive effects of friction?

friction can cause: 1) Physical wear and tear of moving parts. 2) degradation of materials by continuous friction. 3) wastage of 70% of energy in car engines. However, friction is useful in: 1) walking 2) car brakes, friction between brake pads and Tyre causes car to slow down. 3) techniques like friction welding.

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