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Q: Describe a Priest job in society?
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What jobs did the priest do in the middle ages?

"Parish priest" is a job.

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They new the will of the gods.

What jobs did parish priest have in medeveil times?

"Parish priest" is a job.

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A Jesuit priest is a Catholic priest. A Jesuit is someone who is a member of the Society of Jesus, which is a religious order in the Catholic Church.

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The job of an adverb is to describe verbs

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A priest i think

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He was a Catholic priest.

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How would you describe the role of a priest in a parish?

The role of a parish priest is multifunctional. First, his job is to educate Catholic laity about the Church's beliefs, rites, and rituals. He is also a comfort to parishioners, and officiates at all sorts of life events like weddings, funeral, cnversions, and confirmations.

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