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Q: Describe a Squash Down fold for paper airplanes?
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Do smaller paper airplanes fly farther than bigger paper airplanes?

yes because of its weight the weight brings it down

How far can giant paper airplanes go?

very far up not down

How do you calm down the taste of nutmeg in butternut squash soup?

To calm down the nutmeg taste in butternut squash soup try adding sugar or more pureed butternut squash.

Can the length of a paper airplanes wingspan make it fly frther?

Not necessarily. It's all down to the aerodynamic shape of the wing - and the amount of force used to propel the plane.

How did Germans shoot down planes?

Artillery, other airplanes, trench gun fire were all effective in shooting down airplanes.

How does gravity effect paper airplanes?

The lift of the paper airplane is created by the wings and the thirst that you provide with your arm. Gravity is the force that brings the plane down and keeps it moving once the energy you provided with your arm has dissipated. The downward motion of the airplane caused by gravity keeps it moving forward which allows the wings to continue to provide lift.

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How does one make paper airplanes?

First, take a single sheet of paper and fold it in half, length-wise. Secondly, fold the top corners down to the center, where the page is folded, until the top creates a triangle and leave them folded down. Then, fold the tip of the triangle down. From here, you fold the corners down to the center to meet right above the fold you just made in the tip. Now, fold the tip up. Then fold the entire project in half. Now your plane is taking shape! Lastly, fold the wings down and you have a paper airplane!

What is the force that slows down airplanes?

Air friction, which is measured as drag.

What is the function of the villie for absorption?

The villie is stored in your stomach to squash down food.

How do you turn a banana into a vegetable?

you cant change a banana into a vegetable. Middle School Math Riddle- Throw it up and it will come down squash!

How do airplanes land on the ground?

They slow down gradually and lose height as they land