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Q: Describe a circumstance where an interrupt occurs at the beginning of an event?
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What is nested interrupt?

I believe a nested interrupt, is where an interrupt is allowed to occur (and thus is handled) during an already occurring Interupt service ruotine. I.E. First interrupt occurs ISR1 begins second Interrupt occurs ISR2 begins ISR2 Finishes ISR1 continues from where left off ISR1 finishes

When interrupt occurs where is the address following the current instruction stored?

When an interrupt occurs, the address following the current instruction is stored on the stack.

Describe peripheral nervous system damage due to whiplash?

Damage is due to nerve root compression. Only a very small compression will interrupt blood flow to a nerve cell, resulting in numbness or tingling. Pain occurs when the damaged nerve is irritated.

What happens when halt instruction is executed?

The processor stops and goes to the halt state. If an interrupt occurs, it responds and then continues execution.

Highest priority interrupt in micro processor?

The highest priority interrupt in a microprocessor is usually the reset interrupt. When a reset occurs, the microprocessor is forced to stop its current operations and begin executing the reset routine. This is critical for initializing the processor and setting it to a known state before starting normal operations.

What is a Sentence Interruption?

A sentence interruption occurs when a sentence is cut off before it is completed. This can happen because of an interruption, a change in thought, or to create suspense or dramatic effect in writing.

When does a story transition from the beginning to the middle?

The story transitions from the beginning to the middle when the occurs

How ISR is serviced?

when interrupt occurs, the program counter content will stores into stack, an PC will load interrupt address for next instruction execution. ofter completion ISR process PC will retrieves the stack values and execution will be continued.

When microprocessor encounters HALT instruction what it do?

It floats the address and data buses, and enters THALT state, until an interrupt or reset occurs.


Interrupt signals initiated by programs are called software interrupts. A software interrupt is also called a trap or anexception. A signal informing a program that an event has occurred. When a program receives an interrupt signal, it takes a specified action (which can be to ignore the signal). Interrupt signals can cause a program to suspend itself temporarily to service the interrupt. Interrupt signals can come from a variety of sources. For example, every keystroke generates an interrupt signal. Interrupts can also be generated by other devices, such as a printer , to indicate that some event has occurred. PCs support 256 types of software interrupts and 15 hardware interrupts. Each type of software interrupt is associated with an interrupt handler -- a routine that takes control when the interrupt occurs. For example, when you press a key on your keyboard, this triggers a specific interrupt handler. The complete list of interrupts and associated interrupt handlers is stored in a table called the interrupt vector table , which resides in the first 1 K of addressable memory.

How do you describe how lightning occurs?

Most pigments are not permanent. Lightening occurs when the pigments fade.

Describe why a rain shadow occurs?

It occurs because of the wet clouds