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Planets were formed from dust clouds, or nebulas. These clouds either formed because of remenants of the big bang or because of a star forming. When a star begins its nuclear reactions and starts to shine, it expells a huge amount of gas and dust. As the star spins, the clumps of dust come together and spin around the star, orbiting it. These clumps are planets.

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12y ago

After a star is born, or during the process there will be rings of asteroids and dust and gas orbiting the young star. These will begin to clump together over time due to gravity. a ring of rock and dust will begin to clump as it is orbiting the star. as it clumps and orbits it picks up more and more material because of it's growing mass. Eventually, it will begin to represent a ball because of the pressure. if you want it to be a Terra planet (like Earth) It would have to be in the "habitable zone" of your star. there would have to be volcanic activity which would produce an atmosphere. Water to provide the basic needs of life. and It would need an eco-system so that life would balance itself. A gas giant, however would just be gas in a ring that spins together and makes a ball due to gravity.

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