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The principle of superposition states that the higher layers are younger because they must be laid down on a layer below, which is therefore older, can be used in cross-sections. Each layer, going up, is younger than all the previous layers.

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Q: Describe how the principle of superposition was used in determining the relative ages of the cross sections?
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What is the relationship between relative age and the principle of superposition?

the relationship between relative age and the principle of superposition is look it up yourself!

How do geologist use the principle of superposition?

The principle of superposition states that a rock layer on top of another is younger than the one beneath it. Geologists use the principle of superposition to determine the relative ages of rock layers.

How the principle of superposition was used in determining the relative ags of the cross sections?

The principle of superposition states that the higher layers are younger because they must be laid down on a layer below, which is therefore older, can be used in cross-sections. Each layer, going up, is younger than all the previous layers.

Nicolaus Steno proposed the most basic principle of relative dating known as the law of?

Nicolas Steno proposed the most basic principle of relative dating, known as the law of superposition:

How do a geologist use the principle of superposition?

A geologist uses the principle of superposition to determine the relative ages of rocks and sedimentary layers. This principle states that in undisturbed layers of rock, the youngest layers are at the top while the oldest layers are at the bottom. By observing the order in which different rock layers are stacked, a geologist can infer the sequence of events that happened over time in a particular location.

How would a geologist use the principle of superposition to determine the relative ages of the rocks in the grand canyon?

The correolation of how a scientist works it .

Nicolaus steno proposed the most basic principle of relative dating the law of?

Nicolaus Steno proposed the most basic principle of relative dating, the law of superposition. Nicolas Steno was a scientist, as well as a Catholic bishop.

What scientific principle states that the earth's layers will be in chronological order?

The principle of superposition states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the oldest rocks will be at the bottom and the youngest rocks will be at the top. This principle helps geologists understand the relative ages of rock layers and the history of Earth's geologic processes.

What suggests relative age?

The position of a layer of rock or sediments in relation to the other layers in undisturbed strata suggests its relative age, according to the principle of superposition and the law of horizontality.

Nicolaus steno proposed the most basic principle of relative dating I'd the law of?

Nicolaus Steno proposed the most basic principle of relative dating, the law of superposition. Nicolas Steno was a scientist, as well as a Catholic bishop.

Nicolaus Steno proposed the most basic principle of relative dating called the law of what?

Nicolaus Steno proposed the law of superposition, which states that in any undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the youngest layer is on top, and the oldest layer is on the bottom. This principle helps geologists determine the relative ages of rock layers and the events that formed them.

By applying the law of superposition what dates can be determined?
