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When voting first began in 1788, only white males above 21 years of age had the privilege. Now, women and men regardless of race can vote if they are over the age of 18.

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Monserrate Heidenrei...

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Q: Describe how voting changed in America from the early days to the present?
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Should the voting in America be changed from 18 to 16?

no, only 18years old can allow to vote.

1 Describe how voting changed in America from the early days to the present?

Voting changed in America from the early days to the present in a significant way. For instance, back in 1788, only men who were over 21 years and paying taxes were eligible to vote while today everyone who has attained the majority age can vote in the US.

Are you required to present identification when voting in an election in Utah?

No, you are not required to present identification when voting in an election in Utah.

Are you required to present identification when voting in an election in Montana?

You are not required to present identification when voting in an election in Montana.

How have women changed America?

It has helped women get their rights like voting for presidents. Only ten, so it is not the best answer.

Are you required to present identification when voting in an election in Virginia?

Yes, you must present identification when voting in an election in Virginia.

Are you required to present identification when voting in an election in Texas?

Yes, you are required to present identification when voting in an election in Texas.

Are you required to present identification when voting in an election in South Carolina?

No, you are not required to present identification when voting in an election in South Carolina.

Are you required to present identification when voting in an election in North Dakota?

Yes, you must present identification when voting in an election in North Dakota.

What amendment changed voting age?


What has changed and what has stayed the same since 1994?

what has changed is that people have voted and the things that have stayed the same is that people have been voting they have been voting until this day .